查看完整版本: 徵求照片 Calling for Photo

HKBWS WY 16/04/2010 20:11

徵求照片 Calling for Photo

本會將於下星期舉行記者會介紹香港已進入五百種雀鳥的年代,現誠徵在香港攝得的大杜鵑(Common Cuckoo)照片,如能提供,請聯絡本會羅先生或電郵(hkb ws @hkb ws.org.hk)有關照片給我們,請提供攝影者姓名以方便鳴謝。

The society will hold a press briefing next week about HK has 500 bird species. We would like to introudce the Common Cuckoo during the briefing. Please contact us if you have taken the photos taken in Hong Kong or send us through email (hkb ws @hkb ws.org.hk). Please enclosed your name for proper acknowledgment.
HKBWS Office

lpaul 17/04/2010 07:26

Only Geoff Welch has photos of the Common Cuckoo.
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