查看完整版本: 在碼頭碰到的不知名鳥

butter 17/05/2010 13:46


上星期碰到一隻有夜鷺咁上下大, 身體麻色有花斑, 似隻鷸的鳥在橋腳站著. 牠的腿似黑翅長腳鷸般紅紅橙橙, 不知是那種鳥?
我有查過下書, 3551smile445 有一兩種都似似地, 但不肯定. 今早帶相機去, 又無碰到 35516184ceba445

lalan 17/05/2010 15:24


HFCheung 17/05/2010 18:11

I guess it is Juvenile Night Heron. Hope you can find it again.

HF Cheung

butter 26/05/2010 13:49

I haven't seen it again but I do come across Night herons of diff ages now and then at that pier, they don't look like the one that puzzled me. The unknown bird has eye-catching orange/red legs and stand with a horizontal posture, while night heron looks like having a more slanted body to me. 35513473749b445
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查看完整版本: 在碼頭碰到的不知名鳥