查看完整版本: a baby bird found amid heavy rain outside my friend's home...

maria 19/05/2010 23:29

a baby bird found amid heavy rain outside my friend's home...

以下係我朋友寫既, 佢唔係想打擾佢地, 佢都唔知佢帶隻B返屋企可能令親鳥救唔到隻B... 我都係O岩O岩先知.. 但佢已經帶左隻B返屋企5個鐘以上...
想問下, 佢而家應該點做好???  & 仲有隻雀仔係唔係 oriental magpie robin?

my friend found this baby bird wet amid heavy rain outside his house today, so he brought it home, tried to let it dry.
he has feeded it with some dried bird food... and he wants to know what he should do next and also... is it an oriental magpie robin baby??

[quote]又係我遇上.......狂風暴雨, 聽到隻雀仔係出面悲嗚, 出去睇吓, 毛都未出齊, 成身濕哂, 執佢入屋整乾佢 lor, 未識食野, 好彩有雀粟, 餵佢又肯食喎.........唉 [/quote]


lalan 19/05/2010 23:39


maria 19/05/2010 23:41

[quote]Original posted by [i]lalan[/i] at 19/05/2010 23:39 [url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=30831&ptid=11582][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
如果停左雨試試帶回原處,睇下雀的父母會不會接回 [/quote]

火額鳾 20/05/2010 00:34

[quote]唔接咁點算???? [/quote]
養佢過世囉 ~3551TFR165445
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