查看完整版本: 雪梨 Sydney 2010

Beetle 12/06/2010 16:33

雪梨 Sydney 2010

Azure Kingisher [Royal National Park] - 鳥友samuel帶了一班朋友一起去Royal National Park郊遊, 大家都被望遠鏡中的翠鳥(&施華落世奇雙筒)深深吸引。

Beautiful Firetail [Royal National Park] - 濃妝艷抹的好例子, "Beautiful"。

Bell Miner [Cumberland State Forest] - 一小群不斷發出嘈吵的嗶嗶聲, 有點像防盜鈴之類那些隔幾秒嗶一次的感覺。

Black-winged Stilt [Olympic (Bicentennial) Park] - 澳洲長腳鷸

Brown Cuckoo Dove [Mitchell Park] - 香港觀鳥者/經驗觀鳥者的優點頓時成了缺點, 因為看得太遠, 眼大睇過龍, 其實在叫的鳥就在眼前兩三米外。

Brown Gerygone [Cumberland State Forest] - 澳洲也有一堆林區小鳥,等同大家看到頭昏的鶯, 我自己也沒怎麼特別去觀察牠們。

Eastern Spinebill [Royal National Park] - 細小但繽紛的Honeyeater家族一員

Eastern Yellow Robin [Royal National Park] - 郊外常見鳥

Galah [Nurragingy Reserve] - 市郊常見的鸚鵡

Golden Whistler (Female) [Scheyville National Park] - 拍攝時不是繁殖期, 春天有漂亮的唱嗚。

Green Catbird [Royal National Park] - 叫聲像老貓悲嗚(哈)。

House Sparrow [Blue Mountains] - 歐洲人帶到澳洲的禮物之一。

Laughing Kookaburra [Cumberland State Forest] - 目中無人...

Little Corella [Centennial Park] - 應該很常見的鸚鵡, 今年早陣子連學校也有很多, 踏入冬天後又全部不知所蹤, 上年也一直沒看到過。書本的記載看來還有點錯誤。

Little Wattlebird [Royal National Park] - 出盡全身氣的的呱呱叫

Pacific Baza [Cumberland State Forest] - 看到這隻鳥才明白為何Baza中文為鵑隼

Powerful Owl [Mitchell Park] - 跟三個朋友一齊看到全澳洲最大的貓頭鷹, 當時非常興奮。

Rockwarbler [Blue Mountains] - 雪梨周圍特有種

Royal Spoonbill [Olympic (icentennial) Park] - 非繁殖羽, 外表跟黑瞼琵鷺有什麼分別呢?

Scaly-breasted Lorikeet [Cumberland State Forest]

Scarlet Honeyeater [Scheyville National Park] - 雄成鳥是鮮紅色, 沒拍到像樣的成鳥照片, 只好貼幼鳥。

Silvereye [Olympic (Bicentennial) Park]

Superb Lyrebird [Blue Mountains] - 總算拍到這隻Bird to see before you die,只是不在繁殖期看不到牠的Courtship display.

Wedge-tailed Eagle [Royal National Park] - 巨大的鵰, 翼展185-230cm。

Welcome Swallow [Olympic (Bicentennial) Park] - 幫Olympic Park賣廣告。

White-browed Scrubwren [Blue Mountains]

White-faced Heron [Olympic (Bicentennial) Park] - 等同小白鷺。

Yellow-tufted Honeyeater [Scheyville National Park]

不過鳥友們將來如果去雪梨旅行, 不妨找我交流一下觀鳥好去處。

[[i] Last edited by Beetle at 13/06/2010 09:33 [/i]]

lchunfai 12/06/2010 19:00


P.S 那隻笑翠鳥 很可愛3551em011445

Mon 12/06/2010 19:44


cywong 12/06/2010 21:29

Thank you for sharing these beautiful bird photos and birdwatching information.

火額鳾 13/06/2010 01:49

張張精品, 非常欣賞, 感謝分享 !!! 3551873d93aa445

Beetle 13/06/2010 09:31


msamuel 13/06/2010 21:06

Beetle, would your Royal Spoonbill be in fact a Black-faced Spoonbill?  The one I took has yellow skin above eye!

Beetle 13/06/2010 21:35

[quote]Original posted by [i]msamuel[/i] at 13/06/2010 21:06 [url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=31245&ptid=11712][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Beetle, would your Royal Spoonbill be in fact a Black-faced Spoonbill?  The one I took has yellow skin above eye!
[url]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/viewthread.php?tid=11125&extra=page%3D1[/url] [/quote]
It would be an amazing vagrant record to find a Black-faced Spoonbill here.
I suspect the immature ones don't have yellow skin.
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查看完整版本: 雪梨 Sydney 2010