查看完整版本: 請問是灰椋鳥嗎?

cwho 14/06/2010 00:42


臉有白斑, 但對圖鑑又不是很像? 是灰椋鳥嗎?

2010/6/13 LV


lchunfai 14/06/2010 01:03

Yes 3551smile445

ajohn 14/06/2010 09:10

Very interesting. This is a juvenile White-cheeked Starling. Compared to the adult, note the overall brown colour, the dull bill and legs and the poorly-marked cheek patch.

White-cheeked Starling has been breeding in very small numbers (probably less than 5 pairs) in parts of Hong Kong for a few years. This is the first (breeding) record I know of from the Long Valley area. Congratulations on your find!

HKBWS Vicky 14/06/2010 09:46

Yes, this is the first breeding record of Grey-cheeked Starling in the LV area! Congratulations!!
Would you mind telling me the location of this bird? You can P.M. me if you don't want to disclose the exact location.
Thank you so much!!

Tony 14/06/2010 10:05

I saw the same bird on 29May already during survey.
But I did not pay attention that it is a juvenile.

Tony 14/06/2010 11:10

[quote]Original posted by [i]ajohn[/i] at 14/06/2010 09:10 [url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=31258&ptid=11716][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Very interesting. This is a juvenile White-cheeked Starling. Compared to the adult, note the overall brown colour, the dull bill and legs and the poorly-marked cheek patch.

White-cheeked Starling has ... [/quote]

John, I have a question about White-cheeked Starling juvenile.
During bird survey in LV,  I did not find any nest of White cheeked Starling and I just saw one WC Starling during the survey (which is this juvenile but not other mature individual). I doubted that whether it is bred in Long Valley actually or any possibility flying from other place?

ddavid 14/06/2010 21:09

I saw two adults & a juvenile at LV on May 30th. They were feeding in the fields near Yin Kong, and I saw them later in the valley further to the north.

This was the first time I'd seen this family party at LV - although I'd made several visits in April/May. In fact, the last White-cheeked Starling I'd seen there before May 30 was a single bird bathing with Red-billed Starlings on March 17th.

So I'd agree with Tony that they didn't breed in LV itself and - although they [i]may[/i] have bred nearby - it's difficult to say quite how "[i]local[/i]" they really are.


cwho 16/06/2010 00:51

Thanks FaiChai,ajohn,Tony, ddavid.
I'm happy enough to meet this WC starling juvenile. This is my first time to see it. I really hope that this is breeding in LV, at least nearby inside HK area.3551TFR165445

[[i] Last edited by cwho at 16/06/2010 00:52 [/i]]
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