查看完整版本: what tern is the one with dark grey one in the photo? id pls!

butter 25/06/2010 13:47

what tern is the one with dark grey one in the photo? id pls!

what's the one one the leftmost besides the black-naped terns?

what's the one with its wings up (besides the black-naped terns)?

[[i] Last edited by butter at 25/06/2010 13:49 [/i]]

HFCheung 25/06/2010 21:02

Looks like White-winged Tern.

HF Cheung

butter 30/06/2010 18:58

[quote]Original posted by [i]HFCheung[/i] at 25/06/2010 21:02 [url=http://hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=31710&ptid=11775][img]http://hkbws.org.hk/BBS/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Looks like White-winged Tern.

HF Cheung [/quote]
Oh, thanks! 3551873d93aa445 didn't expect that it's called 'white-winged' tern when I noticed its grey wings. what a great change of look with its breeding plumage.
I've only come across it once, not anymore ... whereas the black-naped terns are still here. 3551y31445
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查看完整版本: what tern is the one with dark grey one in the photo? id pls!