查看完整版本: Asian Stubtail Warbler 鱗頭樹鶯

fneil 11/01/2007 19:53

Asian Stubtail Warbler 鱗頭樹鶯

I was excited to see this new bird for me today.  Listed as common but like many "common" birds in Hong Kong, not often seen apparently. Neil.

Lamma Island,
Hong Kong,


Nikon CP8400 plus Swarovski STS80HD scope and Sw 30 x eyepiece and DCA adapter

cgeoff 13/01/2007 13:31

'Common' as used in the Avifauna and almost all other bird books means 'common in appropriate habitat at the appropriate time of year'.

I can well imagine that this species is not common on Lamma, as there is so little mature shrubland.

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查看完整版本: Asian Stubtail Warbler 鱗頭樹鶯