countryboy 19/09/2010 23:32
Please ID a Flycatcher please
Photer by Birdman in Zhongshan University,Guangzhou,Guangdong province on 15th Sep. 2010
lyatming 20/09/2010 00:33
Is it a blue and white flycatcher?
ajohn 20/09/2010 08:47
It's not Blue and White, which would be larger, brighter blue above and cleaner white below with a clearly marked blue breast.
This is similar to the recent male Blue-throated in Tai Po Kau, and looks like a male [i]klossi[/i] Blue-throated. The sudden increase in records of these locally is intriguing - could it be the result of more people looking, is this species becoming commoner (either in the wild or in trade, if these are escapes) or have we been mis-IDing a stage of moult in Hainan Blue?
tsheunglai 20/09/2010 18:52
blue-throated flycatcher klossi
Dear all
I'm quite surprised that the same species/subsp of bird in this male form was seen and reported
by me to Richard of the Englsih Hotline from Lead Mine Pass last Sat.
I i/d it as this subsp for its largely blue upper parts, sharply-defined narrow triangular white
throat (clear even in a distance) and murky orange/rufous breast. The size was substantially
smaller than a b/w flycatcher and lower body plumage ruled out also a Hainan blue which I am
familiar with.
It was very active above a stream together with a lot of other kinds of birds.
Sharing is important and thanks for the photos.
S L Tai
countryboy 20/09/2010 22:37
Thanks a lot.