查看完整版本: State of the World’s Waterbirds

WWF Mai Po 22/10/2010 07:37

State of the World’s Waterbirds

The rate of decline of waterbird populations has slightly decreased over the last three decades. However, 47% of the waterbird populations are still declining and only 16% are increasing. The status of waterbirds is improving  mainly in North America and Europe, while it is least favourable in Asia. Especially long distance migrants appear to be vulnerable.......

[url=http://www.wetlands.org/NewsandEvents/NewsPressreleases/tabid/60/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2445/Default.aspx] [color=Blue][u]Wetlands International - full press release [/u][/color] [/url]

[url=http://www.wetlands.org/Portals/0/publications/Report/SOWW2010%20(3).pdf][color=Blue][u]State of the World's Waterbirds 2010 - Report[/u][/color][/url]

[[i] Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 22/10/2010 07:40 [/i]]
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