查看完整版本: odd wagtail, She Shan, Lam Tsuen

kmike 30/10/2010 20:01

odd wagtail, She Shan, Lam Tsuen

Any thoughts on the identity of this unusual wagtail would be most appreciated. It looked superficially like leucopsis, but the black mark coming up behind the eye and the hint of a line from below the eye to the base base of the bill are unlike any leucopsis I have ever seen.


lpaul 30/10/2010 20:56

Looks like baicalensis to me.

kmike 31/10/2010 06:23

Many thanks Paul

Does anyone know of any other records except for those on Po Toi this year and last year?


lpaul 31/10/2010 07:08

I have seen sigles at Sai Sha (2009) and Nim Wan (last month).  I know of another 3-5 records elswhere.

ajohn 31/10/2010 15:03

Wouldn't the blackish rump and dark grey back suggest against a 'pale-backed' taxon such as [i]baicalensis[/i]? Also [i]baicalensis[/i] should have a similar head pattern to [i]leucopsis[/i], with possibly a slightly more extensive bib - this wouldn't explain the solid dark on the ear coverts and moustachial shown by Mike's bird.

Although [i]leucopsis[/i] can sometimes show darker smudges on the rear ear coverts (perhaps mostly first winter birds?), it is not normally as black as on this bird. My guess would be that this is a [i]leucopsis[/i] x [i]alboides[/i] intergrade. I don't think the black is extensive enough for pure [i]alboides[/i] (which is not yet on the Hong Kong list).

For the record, I also saw [i]baicalensis[/i] at Yuen Long last winter.
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查看完整版本: odd wagtail, She Shan, Lam Tsuen