查看完整版本: Black-faced Bunting, sordida female?

bond 2/11/2010 17:37

Black-faced Bunting, sordida female?

Is it a sordida Black-faced Bunting female? The pattern on its head looked like a rustic...
date: 01/11/2010 in Long Valley
Photo was taked by my friend

ajohn 3/11/2010 18:45

It looks like a Black-faced, but probably nominate [i]spodocephala[/i].

Recent studies of birds trapped in HK and overseas have suggested that birds wintering in HK may be within the range of variation of [i]spodocephala[/i].  The exact status of true [i]sordida[/i] in HK is currently unclear.

bond 3/11/2010 23:11

I see, it's not easy to find information about the sub spp. of migrant in HK.
thanks John~!

Beetle 3/11/2010 23:32

I have a male Black-faced Bunting taken in April 2008 Po Toi, do you have any comments on it John?


[[i] Last edited by Beetle at 3/11/2010 23:33 [/i]]
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查看完整版本: Black-faced Bunting, sordida female?