查看完整版本: Warblers ID please~

fatchun 12/11/2010 14:41

Warblers ID please~

12-11-2010 @ LFS

Bird 1:









I suspect these two birds are the sme bird in fact.
Both of their back are not so sharp in color tone. Also, one and a half wing bars could be seen. The head shape of them is a bit small and the legs are orange or yellowish in color......They did not climb but and the size was not that small like yellow-browed warbler.And the yellow patch on their flanks is a bit confused. Any comments are welcome and appreciated! Thank you very much!.

[[i] Last edited by fatchun at 12/11/2010 14:43 [/i]]

brendank 12/11/2010 22:13

Here are the shots I got.  To me on closer inspection it looks like the same bird.  And I still think it is perfect for Greenish Warbler except for the leg color.  I am not sure how much variation in leg color can be with this species and it would be interesting if someone had some more knowledge.


ajohn 12/11/2010 22:23

The pictures all look like Yellow-browed Warbler to me.

brendank 12/11/2010 23:22

If it's a Yellow-browed Warbler, it must be on the large end of the spectrum. It certainly looked quite large in the field--although always hard to judge.

fatchun 13/11/2010 00:51

I have the same feeling of Brendank's that this warbler was a bit larger that others as there were a few yellow-browed warbler as the same time.

kkoel 13/11/2010 08:22

Brendan the new photo you posted seems to show a counter-shadowed thick wing-bar - suggesting Yellow-browed Warbler indeed!

However I still feel that the last three photos in Fatchun's series is a different individual, with a fainter facial pattern and brighter bill. Did you manage to catch a glimpse of the tertials of that bird or did it call?

[[i] Last edited by kkoel at 13/11/2010 08:23 [/i]]

fatchun 13/11/2010 19:49

To Koel:

Here are one more photos of bird No. 2.

1 more for Bird 2:


I hope I had located the same bird...because there were so many tiny birds at the same time...

But this must be the same bird of No2 because this photo is one of the series of photos.


Thank you!

[[i] Last edited by fatchun at 13/11/2010 19:59 [/i]]

lpaul 13/11/2010 20:19

Still nothing in the photos to suggest anything other than yellow-browed warbler

fatchun 14/11/2010 21:36

Many thanks, Paul!
I think I should look more warblers on field...
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