查看完整版本: Press release/seminar of “landbirds study” 陸鳥調查發佈/講座

hgeorge 16/12/2010 13:59

Press release/seminar of “landbirds study” 陸鳥調查發佈/講座

Press release & indoor meeting of “landbirds study” 陸鳥調查新聞發佈會及室內講座

A press release and indoor meeting were successfully held on yesterday at Scout Association of HK. At least 13 presses reported our results of the research and 14 participants came to the meeting. This two-year project “Studying landbirds in important bird habitats of Hong Kong, especially in the IBAs” is sponsored by Environmental and Conservation Fund (ECF). The following links are some of the news from the reporters. A pdf of the press release is attached at the end of the message.
I am very grateful to Michelle and Peter Wong for permission of using their great photos and all participants for attending the indoor meeting.
A report on the overall results of the study will be uploaded to our website later.

陸鳥調查結果的新聞發佈會及有關的室內講座,於昨天在香港童軍中心順利完成。最少有13個本地的報章報導。另外,昨天亦有14名參加者出席是次室內講座。該兩年項目“香港的重要鳥類棲息地, 特別於重點鳥區的鳥類調查”是得到環境及自然基金(ECF)的贊助。以下是部份報章的網上新聞連結。是次發佈會的新聞稿可在此留言的最下位置下載。

文匯報 wenweipo
明報 Mingpao
蘋果日報 Apple Daily
東方日報 Oriental Daily
太陽 Sun
大公報 takungpao
樹仁大學 《說在線》

新聞發佈會Press release

室內講座 Indoor meeting

Sze 18/12/2010 03:38

2010年12月16日 頭條日報
罕見鳥種 留港繁殖
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: Press release/seminar of “landbirds study” 陸鳥調查發佈/講座