查看完整版本: White Wagtail personata at Tai Kong Po (Kam Tin)

ajohn 20/03/2011 19:24

White Wagtail personata at Tai Kong Po (Kam Tin)

Today at Tai Kong Po (near Kam Tin) I found a personata White Wagtail. The bird seems to be an adult male in almost full breeding plumage, and was a particularly striking individual with mostly black head contrasting with pale grey body.
It is a fairly shy individual. When I first found it at about 3.30, it was returning regularly to the same location and was easily disturbed, but a slow and careful approach made it possible to get reasonably close to the bird. Later, however, it disappeared for a long period and was difficult to track down and get good views (occasional flight views only).

For those who are interested to see or photograph the bird, I have attached a Google Earth image to show the approximate location. The bird is in a drainage channel which contains the waste from several pig and chicken farms (and thus smells very strongly!) There are two main ways to access. Both may be fairly tricky to find for those who are not familiar with the area.
1. From Kam Tin Bypass take the exit towards Tai Kong Po and follow Kong Tai Road through Tai Kong Po village (red line on map). Follow the road to the end, where you will find the construction works for MTR Express Rail Link. Follow the path along the channel. If using public transport, there is a minibus along this road from Yuen Long town and Kam Sheung Road station. [b]Caution: if driving, the road is very narrow and winding and it is essential that you drive slowly and carefully, and take care on each corner, being prepared to reverse back if necessary.[/b]
2. From Kam Tin Road (between Kam Tin and Shek Kong), take the turn towards Tsat Sing Kong and follow the road along the southern side of the drainage channel (green line on map). After about 750m, a drainage channel enters this main drainage channel from the northern side - you will need to cross on a footbridge and follow this channel to look for the bird (note that this is the second drainage channel to enter the main drainage channel - look for the site hoarding of MTR XRL)

Good luck to anyone who looks for this bird.

[[i] Last edited by ajohn at 20/03/2011 19:26 [/i]]

ajohn 21/03/2011 13:30

The wagtail was still present today at around 12.30
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查看完整版本: White Wagtail personata at Tai Kong Po (Kam Tin)