kennethchan 23/04/2011 20:39
涉禽 ID Please
各位 c hing ,我已經盡力查書,都仲未明點分。35516184ceba445
我見佢個嘴翹翹地,會是 翹嘴鷸 Terek Sandpiper 嗎?但毛色唔似。
對腳有少少蹼,但毛色又唔似 半蹼鷸 Asian Dowitcher
攝於濕地公園 Wetland Park 23-4-2011
kennethchan 23/04/2011 20:52
仲想問多一隻,是否 灰尾漂鹬 Grey-tailed Tattler?
Thank you3551875328cc445
kmatthew 23/04/2011 23:16
Looks like a Terek to me.3551smile445 And yes, the other one is a Grey-tailed Tattler.
kennethchan 23/04/2011 23:22
Thank you3551875328cc445