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HKBWS Vivian 31/01/2007 11:58

Need your help 需要您們的支持

Dear members,  

I have been helping bird watching societies in China to build up their organization.  Now they have formed a joint organization (the Joint China BWS Meeting) and have a bulletin called “China Bird Watch” that is very much like the HKBWS bulletin (electronic version of China Bird Watch can be downloaded at “Newsletter” in www.chinabirdnet.org).  1000 copies are produced for each issue and they are distribution to different bird watching societies in China, nature reserves, Chinese ornithologists, schools and so on.

I am helping them to find money for publishing this bulletin.  I wonder if any of you may follow the example of the Lo Ka Man group and to denote a sum of money to support the magazine.  In return, your photo can be published in the center pages (2 pages connected together).  That could make a very nice poster.  I have tentatively set a minimum price of $1500 for such a center page.  If you are interested, please contact me (apcheung@cityu.edu.hk). Thank you!

HF Cheung


  您們好! 我一直協助國內各地區成立觀鳥會. 最近他們成立了"中國觀鳥會聯席會議" 並出版了一本類似香港觀鳥會會員通訊的雙月刊 "中國鳥類觀察" (電子版的 "中國鳥類觀察" 可於中國觀鳥網絡 www.chinabirdnet.org 中的 "通訊"中下載). 每期出版1000本, 分發給各地鳥會, 保護區, 鳥類學家及學校等.

  我現正協助他們籌集足夠的資金令出版的工作得以繼續. 請問您們有沒有興趣像盧嘉孟小組一樣, 捐一些款項給 "中國鳥類觀察" 以作支持呢? 為了答謝您們的幫助, 我們會在刊物中間的地方 (兩頁相連的地方)刊登您所拍攝的照片 (這將會是一張漂亮的海報). 現在我定了捐款為港幣1500元, 如您們有興趣的話, 請聯絡我 (apcheung@cityu.edu.hk). 謝謝!

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