查看完整版本: 送別Mark Barter Sad loss of Mark Barter

HKBWS Vivian 25/11/2011 12:49

送別Mark Barter Sad loss of Mark Barter

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這位來自澳洲, 為亞洲、澳洲的水鳥保育作出不少貢獻的前輩于11月21日早上與世長辭。 他在中國,特別在長江中下游濕地區曾大力推動水鳥調查,內地沿海鳥友有不少也參與過他領導的水鳥調查。 也許那時便種下了現在香港觀鳥會和內地沿海鳥友一起執行的"中國沿海水鳥同步調查"的種子吧~

有關的悼文:  [url]http://www.talking-naturally.co.uk/mark-barter-champion-yellow-sea-conservation-tribute/[/url]

Mark Barter, who had made outstanding contribution to waterbird conservation in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway passed away on 22nd November. He had put great effort in promoting waterbird monitoring in China, especially in Yangtze River region. Many bird watchers from China coastal areas had participated in surveys led by Mr. Barter before. Perhaps this is the seed to the later establishment of the [i]China Coastal Waterbird Census[/i], which the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society is involving.

May Mr. Barter rest in peace.[/font][/size][/size]

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