查看完整版本: 西伯利亞銀鷗 Vega Gull ? (photo renew)

Spring_BB 29/01/2012 17:06

西伯利亞銀鷗 Vega Gull ? (photo renew)

[size=4]西伯利亞銀鷗 Vega Gull 3551a50445
南生圍 (NSW) 28 JAN 2012[/size]

[[i] 本帖最後由 Spring_BB 於 2/02/2012 13:53 編輯 [/i]]

brendank 29/01/2012 21:53

Do you have any photos of the upperwing pattern?

[[i] Last edited by brendank at 29/01/2012 23:04 [/i]]

Spring_BB 2/02/2012 00:09

Please click here
See Individual 5 same case (Number of black-marked primaries 9+?)

brendank 2/02/2012 11:39

Due to the dark flecking on the primary coverts I think this is a third winter bird molting into its adult basic plumage.  The adult primary feathers have yet to fully attained therefore it is difficult to rely on the upperwing pattern. Leg color appears to match Heuglin's Gull well. The mantle color looks a bit pale for Heuglin's Gull but I guess this is perhaps due to bright sun. On balance I would say this a Heuglin's Gull or at least hybrid with at least some Heuglin's Gull progeny.

Spring_BB 2/02/2012 12:04

[quote]原帖由 [i]brendank[/i] 於 2/02/2012 11:39 發表 [url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=46456&ptid=15706][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Due to the dark flecking on the primary coverts I think this is a third winter bird molting into its adult basic plumage.  The adult primary feathers have yet to fully attained therefore it is difficu ... [/quote]

[size=5]Thank you so much  3551sweat445 [/size]
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