查看完整版本: Long Valley-habitat of the Black-winged Stilts

kscheng 29/02/2012 15:19

Long Valley-habitat of the Black-winged Stilts

The Elementary Bird Watching Course organized by the Crested Bulbul Club went to Long Valley on February 19th for bird watching practice exercise.  It was my second visit to Long Valley.  I remembered on the first day of the year with hkbws to Long Valley I saw a pair of black-winged stilts hunting on a fresh water pond.  With the Crested Bulbul Club I even saw a flock of fifteen-odd black-winged stilts doing their hunting in the middle of the day.   

I went back to Long Valley on a different occasion to film the black-winged stilt.  Approaching the fresh water pond I saw two adult birds guiding a juvenile playing on the water.  In order not to disturb their activity, I went back one plot and sank myself down to a cluster of shrubs.  Quietly I mounted my equipment and adjusted  the composition.  Then I waited until the nature mother takes me in.  Not knowing when I pressed the shutter.

The Long Valley, farmlands surrounded by Ho Sheung Heung, Yin Kong and Tsung Pak Long,  becomes the habitat of the black-winged stilts.  



kmatthew 29/02/2012 16:17

That is not a juvenile Black-winged Stilt, but a Spotted Redshank!3551smile445

HFCheung 29/02/2012 16:52

It is OK to be wrong once a while.  This is natural in the process of learning.

kscheng 8/03/2012 23:26

Hello Falcon, thank you for your hint,  Now I can see the spotted redshank with its black bill and red base at lower bill.  Honestly speaking, the godwits curlews sandpipers remain a difficult part for us.

Hello HF, thanks for your kind words.
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