查看完整版本: 納米比亞 Erongo Mountains, Namibia

eling 17/06/2012 21:51

納米比亞 Erongo Mountains, Namibia

這是去年11月非洲納米比亞之旅的第二 部份. 第一部份在此連結:
This is the second part of my trip to Namibia in Nov 2011.  First part can be seen here:


感謝上星期到來室內講座的鳥友. 以下這些相片都是在 Erongo Mountains 附近拍的.
Erongo Wilderness Lodge 附近可輕易找到一些極為罕有的 near-endemic 鳥. 酒店座落於巨石群中. 環境優美. 是賞鳥及健行的好地方.

Thanks for those attending the indoor meeting last Wednesday.  Here are some of the pictures I promised to put them here.

Erongo Mountains is one of the oldest mountain range on earth.  This area is famous for birders for being a very reliable site to see a number of Namibia’s most sought-after near-endemics.  The Erongo Wilderness Lodge provides a comfortable base to search for the birds and the scenery itself is stunning.  Just wake up before dawn and you will be rewarded with a lovely array of birds.

Hartlaub’s Spurfowl
Near-endemic.  They started calling before dawn on the boulders and disappeared when sun is up.  日出前起床定必聽到牠們狂叫. 天光後牠們卻不知所蹤.


We were very fortunate to see a pair in close range on one morning.  Here is the male.
第一天早上很幸運可看到近的. 雄性.


Female 雌性


Rosy-faced Lovebird
Near-endemic.  Over a hundred of them congregated around the lodge but dispersed after 30 minutes or so.  大量. 早上群集在食堂附近. 天光後散去.



Near-endemic.  As its name suggested, it bounds across rocks and has excellent camouflage.  This is one of the star birds in Erongo Mountains. 喜在石群中跳來跳去. 牠是酒店的明星雀. 但並非一定見到. 要有耐性等待.



White-tailed Shrike
Near-endemic.  It’s quite small and doesn’t look like a shrike.  A healthy population around the lodge. 明星雀之一. 體型細小. 每天都見到.



Short-toed Rock-thrush
Near-endemic.  They always perched around the entrance of the lodge.  Shouldn’t be missed.  很美的一隻鳥. 在酒店出入口經常出現.

Male 雄性


Female 雌性


Erongo Mountains is also a good place to look for Hornbill.  Here we have seen 3 species of Hornbills. 酒店附近也是尋找犀鳥的好地方. 有 3 種犀鳥應可看到.

Monteiro’s Hornbill
Near-endemic.  A pair of Monteiro’s Hornbill stayed long enough for us to have good pictures. 一對 monteiro’s hornbill 停在地上覓食. 讓我們拍過夠.


Damara Hornbill
Near-endemic.  Found this single bird on the nearby riverbed. 在酒店附近的河床發現. 比較遠及怕人


African Grey Hornbill
Very confiding bird which always posted for good pictures. 不怕人的灰犀鳥任你看過夠



The following birds should be seen around the lodge easily. 以下的鳥都應該比較易見

Green-winged Pytilia
Male 雄性


Female 雌性


Cape Bunting
Near-endemic to Southern Africa.  A single bird was found foliage around the dining area. 在酒店食堂附近看到


African Paradise Flycatcher
We have seen two male (with very long tail) were chasing one female and swiftly flying from one tree to another.  I was just able to capture the male. 二隻長尾的雄性壽帶追逐一隻雌性. 可惜牠們飛得太快. 只拍到長尾的一隻.


Black Cuckoo
A single bird was perched quietly high up in the tree. 這只黑杜鵑靜靜的停在樹上. 很容易錯過了牠


Klaas’s Cuckoo
This bird was found around the dining area of the lodge. 食堂附近發現.


Groundscraper Thrush
A common resident in Namibia 納米比亞的常見鳥


Black-backed Puffback
Not so numerous in Erongo Mountains but it should also be seen around Etosha or Waterberg National Park 除了在 Erongo Mountains 可見外. 應可在Etosha 或Waterberg National Park 見到


Acacia Pied Barbet
Saw this single bird around the dining area.  在酒店附近只見過一次


White-browed Sparrow Weaver
Numerous.  common resident. 大量. 易見


Their nests 築得很美的巢


Southern Grey-headed Sparrow
Common resident around the lodge 酒店附近的易見鳥


Black-chested Snake Eagle
Common and should be able to see them in different parts of Namibia 在納米比亞比較易見的猛禽



Southern Red-eyed Bulbul
Common.  Near-endemic of Southern Africa 易見. 大量.


Marico Flycatcher
Common.  Near-endemic of Southern Africa 易見.


Pale-winged Starling
Common and numerous. 易見. 大量.


Grey-backed Camaroptera
Common resident. 常見


These cute Dassie Rats (Rock Hyrax) are numerous around the lodge and fearless to humans. 大量. 易見. 不怕人. 極可愛



So as these beautiful eye-catching Namibian Rock Agamas 也有美麗的蜥蝪



Flap-necked Chameleon


Black Mongooses were there to have sunbath on the boulder. 兩隻黑獴也出來曬太陽



The lodge blends harmonious to the environment of Erongo Mountains 酒店跟附近環境很配合


Relaxing in the dining area to enjoy the breathtaking view of the Mountain 食堂外望可見的壯麗景色


Or simply sit on the open deck of the room to watch birds flying around 或是坐在房外欣賞雀鳥覓食也不錯


Scenery around the lodge附近景色




The lodge arranges free birding trip to nearby areas to look for Ruppell’s Parrots and Violet Wood-hoopoe.  Or you can join a tour (with a fee) to see the rock painting. 酒店經理也是鳥友. 他們有免費團到附近的地方找鳥. 也可以參加他們的團(收費)到附近看岩畫藝術



The link of the accommodation can be found in my previous post:有關住宿的連結在上一個 post 如下:


puppymic 17/06/2012 22:35

長尾的雄性壽帶好靚 3551em011445

iherman 19/06/2012 13:57

Thank for sharing 3551d16c4689445
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