wilsondring 22/01/2013 20:26
Please Help .. thanks
sorting some old photos ..
please help ID .. from Nam Shan Wai 2nd May 2012
HFCheung 22/01/2013 22:23
Second is a Grey Heron. First looks like a large Gull such as a Heuglin's Gull.
wilsondring 22/01/2013 22:34
thanks .. appreciate it ..
badesc 22/01/2013 23:11
Yes, a Grey Heron. You can see the long legs, the retracted neck and six 'spotlights' on the wings. From another angle, it would look like this: [url]http://limerick-birderblog.blogspot.be/2011/04/bullfinch-and-grey-heron.html.[/url]
The gull indeed looks like a Heuglin's Gull.
Mew Gull is slimmer, with a slender bill and a more rounder head with a friendlier-looking appearance. The upperwing would show a light 'window', caused by paler inner primaries. The upperwing would be much lighter in color too, including lighter greater coverts. See for example [url]http://www.magikbirds.com/image.asp?title_id=524.[/url]
Vega Gull has that pale window as well and I guess would show more dark streaks on the head, neck, flanks and belly. Although immature gulls can be very variable.
The lack of a pale window and the dark greater coverts together with paler and almost whitish head and underparts fit a 2nd CY Heuglin's Gull. The underwing would appear paler too than it does on the picture but maybe that is due to a lack of light.
wilsondring 23/01/2013 08:02
Thanks bart for confirmation.. Cheers