查看完整版本: Schrenck's Bittaern紫背葦鳽

Mon 23/04/2013 20:34

Schrenck's Bittaern紫背葦鳽









9Wi 23/04/2013 22:07

老了、病了、受傷了.....? 3551a50445 3551em12445

lexusjohn 24/04/2013 09:14

會唔會長途飛行, 又逆風, 累到企都企唔穩3551em43445

tsheunglai 24/04/2013 18:39

All appearance of exhaustion. Nature be have mercy on it and others that manage to reach Po Toi and further north.

S L Tai

豬豬 25/04/2013 17:11

希望佢撐得住!!!....星期日見佢"僕"左喺石 仲以為佢唔得...後來又見佢郁下
請問有無人星期2/4 見過佢?

Mon 25/04/2013 22:13

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查看完整版本: Schrenck's Bittaern紫背葦鳽