kkchang168 19/09/2013 07:15
Huizhou 惠州 Chinese Blackbird Juvenile
This bird was photoed in Huizhou on 2013-09-15. I think it is a juvenile of some kind (like myna?). Would anyone kindly tell me what it is. Thanks in advance.
[[i] Last edited by kkchang168 at 20/09/2013 19:31 [/i]]
kkchang168 20/09/2013 19:26
Thanks Mike. Yes, I think so. I have searched through the internet and saw similar pictures. I have thought about whether it is a Common Blackbird juvenile before posting the question, but when I searched the internet, I found that the juvenile of Common Blackbird is brown with spots. But the juvenile of Chinese Blackbird is different. It is mainly black with not much leather on the head. Is it the different between the subspecies of Chinese Blackbird? I know that there are three subspecies of Common Blackbird including:
1. Indian Blackbird, Turdus (merula) simillimus
2. Tibetan Blackbird, Turdus (merula) maximus
3. Chinese Blackbird, Turdus (merula) mandarinus
[[i] Last edited by kkchang168 at 20/09/2013 19:31 [/i]]
wilsondring 20/09/2013 20:58
this is a common blackbird juvenile which i found in Guangzhou in May this year ..
kkchang168 22/09/2013 00:05
Yes, this is the usual one that I saw in the internet.