查看完整版本: Brown Shrike or Red-backed Shrike

C.T. 7/10/2013 00:06

Brown Shrike or Red-backed Shrike

Brown Shrike or Red-backed Shrike??

subbuteo 7/10/2013 05:50

After reading the previous comments on the Red-backed Shrike, I would say this is a Brown Shrike based on tail length and shape, cream ground colour to the breast and belly and overall shape.

I could be wrong!


wilsondring 7/10/2013 07:21

I am far from being an expert but after reading the comments on my thread re the same topic, I believe this may well be a brown shrike .. cheers

lpaul 7/10/2013 09:59

Yes, first-winter/juvenile Brown Shrike.  Note also the primary projection which is rather short (compare with the recent RBS).
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