查看完整版本: 小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡 Yellow-crested Cockatoo

cwilson 18/10/2006 18:37

小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡 Yellow-crested Cockatoo

我上星期在深水埗游泳池公園看見兩隻小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡, 因為沒有帶望遠鏡, 不能十分確定, 我疑為只有香港島才有出現, 有鳥友有同樣發現嗎 ?

eling 18/10/2006 22:55

some of them occurred in Flower Market Road, Prince Edward/Mong Kok.  I've seen them many times near the public toilet.

ckacheung 18/10/2006 23:20

agree.. I saw them in Prince Edward near the Bird Street.

blackdogto 22/10/2006 15:01

I also saw about 10 C. sulphurea flying when I swam in 深水埗游泳池, very noisy, seems being repelled by the House Crow... 3 months ago.
Recently when I drived through the brigde out there, I also found one standing on the lamp post. I think there may have a colony in West Kowloon now.
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查看完整版本: 小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡 Yellow-crested Cockatoo