查看完整版本: 塱原發現非法傾倒泥頭 Illegal dumping found at Long Valley

HKBWS Vicky 10/04/2007 14:19

塱原發現非法傾倒泥頭 Illegal dumping found at Long Valley

上星期由本會副主席Mr. Mike Kilburn帶領,與數個綠色團體代表及傳媒到塱原及新田發現非法傾倒泥頭的地點作視察,以下是塱原非法傾倒泥頭的照片。
Last week, Vice Chairman of HKBWS Mr. Mike Kilburn, representatives of several green groups and mass media visited Long Valley and San Tin where illegal dumping was found. Here are some photos of the illegal dumping site in Long Valley.

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查看完整版本: 塱原發現非法傾倒泥頭 Illegal dumping found at Long Valley