查看完整版本: Pallas's Gull [漁鷗]

hkinni 25/02/2014 00:58

Pallas's Gull [漁鷗]

Mai Po





handrew 25/02/2014 09:23

Terrific photos. Congrats.

lexusjohn 25/02/2014 10:20

Good find and good shot !!
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HFCheung 25/02/2014 21:47

Dear Kinni,

I need your photos for the "China Photoguide".  I hope you don't mind I take it from your posts on HKBWS forum.  Thanks in advance.

Ho-Fai Cheung

hkinni 26/02/2014 20:03

輝哥你好,榮幸之至,相片請隨便用3551d16c4689445 3551d16c4689445
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查看完整版本: Pallas's Gull [漁鷗]