查看完整版本: Fairy Pitta

wgeoff 8/05/2014 15:54

Fairy Pitta

One on Po Toi today, Thursday 8 May


Near the small reservoir high up above the Sister's Cafe. I only took one photo, then left it alone.

Also 84 Brown Shrikes, a record count for just the main area (must have been over 100 including the South Peninsular), 5 Dollarbirds and many egrets - but no bitterns, a surprise.

lalan 9/05/2014 00:31

Thank you for your share today, it's a very great record to me.


wgeoff 9/05/2014 06:38

That's fine Alan, pleased you managed to see it but disappointed you didn't get a photo.

We managed to re-find this bird just 10 minutes before the ferry left yesterday and then had to run to catch the ferry.

irsychan 9/05/2014 07:34

3551d16c4689445 3551873d93aa445 3551em012445 Fantastic!
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