查看完整版本: Red-whiskered x Yellow-vented Bulbul Hybrid?

hdmiller 18/08/2014 09:09

Red-whiskered x Yellow-vented Bulbul Hybrid?

This guy was just drying out after a dip in the nearby stream. Amongst a small group of bulbuls which flew off before I realized this one (at least) was rather unique...

subbuteo 18/08/2014 12:26

I think it is probably an immature red-whiskered bulbul who is not looking the best!

Compare to this [url=http://orientalbirdimages.org/birdimages.php?action=birdspecies&Bird_ID=1679&Bird_Image_ID=77325&Bird_Family_ID=]image[/url]


[[i] Last edited by subbuteo at 18/08/2014 12:27 [/i]]

ajohn 18/08/2014 18:04

I agree that this looks like a juvenile Red-whiskered. It's usual for the juveniles to be less red (more orange) on the vent than adults and to lack the red 'whiskers'.
Yellow-vented is quite a different bird (especially head pattern), and I don't see much evidence for relevant plumage features on this individual.

hdmiller 18/08/2014 18:09

Thanks for setting me straight Gentlemen.
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查看完整版本: Red-whiskered x Yellow-vented Bulbul Hybrid?