查看完整版本: Wintering Black-faced arrived 度冬黑臉琵鷺回來了

HKBWS Ivan 6/10/2014 16:58

Wintering Black-faced arrived 度冬黑臉琵鷺回來了

Yesterday, our surveyor found that around 20 Black-faced Spoonbills in Mai Po Nature Reserve. Some adult bird was sighted in this flock of birds, they could be new arrival individuals. The first birds usually arrived Mai Po around mid-October and this record shows the birds arrived Mai Po with the cold front.

昨天, 我們的調查員在米埔發現一群為數約20隻的黑臉琵鷺。其中有部分為成鳥,我們相信牠們應該第一批完成繁殖後回到香港度冬的黑臉琵鷺,通常第一批回港度冬的黑臉琵鷺會於十月中旬出現。故這批黑臉琵鷺比過去更早回到香港。
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