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Webcreeper 22/04/2007 07:25

Robohawk 鐵甲威禽

22/4/07 明報 Mingpao
[b][url=http://www.mingpaonews.com/20070422/gzk3.htm]趕盡鴿絕 機械鷹「行咇」[/url][/b]


20/3/07 BBC News
[b][url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/6469451.stm]Robotic birds scare 'fat' pigeons [/url][/b]

Pigeons are not part of Liverpool's plans for its year as European Capital of Culture in 2008.

The city council is mounting a campaign to rid the city of the birds, which it says are being fattened up by the public feeding them leftovers.

19/03/2007 24dash.com
[b][url=http://www.24dash.com/localgovernment/18286.htm]Liverpool's robotic pigeon deterrent 'a waste of public money'[/url][/b]

A leading advisory body on bird control has condemned Liverpool City Council's 'robotic hawks' pigeon deterrent scheme as a waste of public money.
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