查看完整版本: List of HK Bird Data by Species(~2013)香港鳥類名錄~鳥種數據(至2013)

HKBWS Ivan 29/12/2014 16:04

List of HK Bird Data by Species(~2013)香港鳥類名錄~鳥種數據(至2013)

List of HK Bird Data by Species

The most updated List of HK Bird Data by Species(~2013) was uploaded in the following link:

This list is based on the official records of HKBWS, i.e. those that appear in The Avifauna of Hong Kong or in subsequent HK Bird Reports up to the end of the year 2013, including records which will appear in the 2013 HKBR when published. It does not include any 2014 records or unpublished records for earlier years.

Dates highlighted in yellow are average earliest and latest dates for species which are regularly seen outside of these periods and for which no actual earliest or latest date can be given. They are not official and are intended for guidance only.

This list is maintained by the Secretary of the HKBWS Records Committee, currently Geoff Welch. It is relatively new and may contain some errors. He would welcome any comments on errors or omissions, suggestions or any other thoughts from members on the following email address

geoffwelch46    @   yahoo.co.uk   (please delete spaces)

Errors or omissions should be based on the officially published records of HKBWS as given above




這些資料是以香港觀鳥會的官方紀錄為基本,即香港鳥類名錄 The Avifauna of Hong Kong及不同年份的香港觀鳥報告,同時亦包括稍後出版的香港觀鳥報告2013的紀錄,但不包括任何2014年及尚未出版早年的紀錄。


這表列的資料由現任的香港觀鳥會紀錄委員會秘書Geoff Welch準備,由於這是一新近整理的資料庫,故可能會存在一些的未經發現的錯誤。會員如有發現任何錯誤及遺漏,或有任何意見及建議,歡迎致函以下電郵:

geoffwelch46   @   yahoo.co.uk (請自行取消空格)

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查看完整版本: List of HK Bird Data by Species(~2013)香港鳥類名錄~鳥種數據(至2013)