查看完整版本: 香港觀鳥日2015-比賽結果及花絮HKBirdWatchingdayResults&Snaps

HKBWS Bonnie 23/03/2015 17:12


[b][align=center][size=7][color=Blue]香 港 觀 鳥 日 [size=4]暨 觀鳥比賽籌款活動[/size]
[size=6]Hong Kong Bird Watching Day[/size][size=3] Cum Bird Race Fundraising Event[/size][/color][/size][/align][/b]

[size=6][align=center][color=Red][b]比 賽 結 果  Results[/b][/color][/align][align=center][color=Red][/color][/align][align=center][color=Red][b][attach]21270[/attach]

HKBWS Bonnie 23/03/2015 18:17

[size=3]公開挑戰組部分隊伍 [/size][size=3]Some of the race teams from Challenger Team.[/size]


[size=3]觀鳥新秀組隊伍  Green Birder Team[/size]

[size=3]努力結算中 Working hard on the logbook.[/size]
勞苦功高的大會評判 Many thanks to the Adjudicator : Mr. Richard Lewthwaite[/size]

[size=3]冠軍隊頒獎-公開挑戰組(上)及觀鳥新秀組(下,代領) [/size]
[size=3]Prize presentation to winners of Challenger Team & Green Birder Team

[size=3]贊助獎品及抽獎禮品 Sponored prizes for the race & lucky draw.[/size]

[size=3]產品試用 Product trial[/size]
抽獎得主 Lucky draw winner[/size]

Certificate presentation to graduates of our Leader Training Programe

HKBWS Bonnie 30/03/2015 17:26

[color=Blue][size=4]支持參賽隊伍的捐款將於至4月18日截止, 籌得的款項將用於支持中國沿海水鳥同步調查項目!! [/size]

[size=3]Fundraising to support your favourite team is still on going until 18th April.  All donatoins will use to support the China Coastal Waterbird Census !!

HKBWS Bonnie 29/04/2015 15:51

本會「香港觀鳥日 暨 觀鳥比賽籌款活動」截至4月18日共籌得港元$41,604-,連同觀鳥比賽扣除開資後的盈餘$10,096-,總款項 [color=#0000ff][b]$51,700- [/b][/color]將用以支持中國沿海水鳥同步調查項目,本會非常感謝各捐贈者慷慨解囊。

[/size][size=2]Up to 18 April, Hong Kong Bird Watching Day Cum Bird Race Fundraising Event has raised a total of HK$41,604-.  Top-up with the surplus $10,096, bird race income after deduction of all expenses, a total amount of[b][color=#0000ff] $51,700- [/color][/b]will be allocated to support the China Coastal Waterbird Census. The society would like to express our gratitude to all race teams and donors for their generous supports to this key annual event.[/size]

[size=2]The final award of the bird race "Highest amount of donation" goes to: [/size]


[size=3]"[color=#0000ff][b]小逸雲雀[/b][/color]" 向本會送上巨型支票。[/size]
[size=2]"[color=#0000ff][b]小逸雲雀[/b][/color]" pressents the giant cheque to the Society.[/size]

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查看完整版本: 香港觀鳥日2015-比賽結果及花絮HKBirdWatchingdayResults&Snaps