查看完整版本: 大滨鹬出发了!!! Satellite-tagged great knots…

HKBWS Vivian 26/03/2015 23:51

大滨鹬出发了!!! Satellite-tagged great knots…

卫星追踪的大滨鹬的迁徙故事. A story about satellite-tagged Great Knot. 3551d16c4689445

K_Chan 28/03/2015 06:53

The Global Flight in Sight !
Bravo Vivian for the sat-tagged maps on the Great Knots. Envy their freedom of holding no passports, and of bumping into no grey-goods traders.
Up to where will these four be ?
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查看完整版本: 大滨鹬出发了!!! Satellite-tagged great knots…