查看完整版本: Red List Index to become UN development indicator

HKBWS WY 4/05/2007 09:39

Red List Index to become UN development indicator

News from BirdLife International

[size=20]Red List Index to become UN development indicator[/size]


The changing conservation status of birds and other species is to be used to track progress towards the UN's Millennium Development Goals.

The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which range from halving extreme poverty to ensuring environmental sustainability, are targets for the year 2015 agreed by all the world's governments and development institutions.

The Red List Index, which was initially designed and tested by BirdLife International using data on all bird species from 1988-2004, is to be the basis of a new MDG “indicator”.  To be known as the Proportion of Species Threatened with Extinction, it will be used alongside other MDG indicators, such as the proportion of population with an income below $1 per day, the rates of infant and maternal mortality, the proportion of children in primary education, and the prevalence of diseases such as malaria. The new indicator is the only species-based indicator in the UN set....

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