查看完整版本: 羅浮山 Luofushan

wcaptain 15/06/2015 15:31

羅浮山 Luofushan

1.        A total of 40 bird species were seen and heard at the Lufoushan area. No jaw dropping records. Interesting birds are Chinese Barbet, Drongo Cuckoo and Oriental Scops Owl. The Chinese Barbet and Drongo Cuckoo were common in the lower part of forest, i.e. around the entrance gate.
2.        The lower part is dominated by Camphor trees, plus other native trees
3.        A lot of exotic Eucalyptus trees were seen around the forest track (sealed road) from the entrance gate to around 獅子峰 (Lion peak). Chinese Barbet, Great Barbet and Drongo Cuckoo were active around this area. Interestingly, these two Barbets were often heard together, probably coexist very well.
4.        The section after獅子峰 (Lion Peak) is dominated by young to semi-mature secondary forest with some older / large trees. In this part of the forest, Blue-winged Minla, Red-capped babbler and Mountain Tailorbird were heard and seen.
5.        The record of Black Bulbuls may suggest that this bird is a resident. In HK, it is a winter visitor. Probably will colonize HK soon.
6.        Only one territorial call of Hainan Blue Flycatcher was heard. Its low density is a bit out of expectation.
7.        Based on our distant observations, the hilltop area of Lufoushan looks like Tai Mo Shan (montane forest mixed with grasslands).
8.       participants: Matthew Kwan, Myself and a non-birding friend Mr Huen. 12-13 June 2015   
9.       Ref:   [url]http://www.southchinabirder.com/Guangdong/Luo%20Fu%20Shan.html[/url]
10.      admission charge: RMB 60 (ctrip states 10%off when order online). The ropeway is said to be RMB90 return and 50 one way

[[i] Last edited by wcaptain at 15/06/2015 15:47 [/i]]

wcaptain 15/06/2015 15:38

Relative freq
1        Black Kite        1 seen aprox 400m                                          Low
2        Accipitar sp. Likely Besra        1 seen aprox 350m                                 Low
3        Drongo Cuckoo        2 seen and many heard at lower elevation              Medium
4        Large Hawk Cuckoo        Heard only                                           Low
5        Koel        Heard only                                                    Low
6        Great Barbet        2 seen at lower elevation and many heard                High
7        Chinese Barbet        Commonly heard and seen                                  High
8        Oriental Scops Owl        1 heard at night near park entrance on 12th June (night)        Low
9        House Swift        Common                                                    High
10        Spotted Dove        near the hotel                                             Low
11        Barn Swallow        Common, breeds near the park entrance                High
12        Red-rumped Swallow        Common                                           High
13        Asian House Martin        Common at higher elevation above 400m        High
14        White Wagtail        1 seen at the entrance car park                          Low
15        Scarlet Minivet        Common from park entrance up to 500m                High
16        Orange-bellied Leafbird        1 male seen at aprox 300m                          Low
17        Red-whiskered Bulbul        Common                                           High
18        Chinese Bulbul        Common                                                    High
19        Black Bulbul        Quite common at 250m up                                  High
20        Mountain Bulbul        A few seen from 300m up                                 Medium
21        Chestnut Bulbul        Small flocks seen from 250m up                        Medium
22        Magpie Robin        Common                                                    High
23        Mountain Tailorbird        1 seen and many heard from 300m up               Medium
24        Common Tailobird        Common                                                   High
25        Hainan Blue Flycatcher        1 heard at 300m                                   Low
26        Streak-breasted Scimitar-babbler        heard a few times                          Low
27        Red-billed Leiothrix        1 bird singing most likely this species         Low
28        Greater necklaced Laughingthrush        one flock of over 10 birds seen at aprox 400m        Low
29        Hwamei        1 bird heard near entrance                                              Low
30        Rufous-capped Babbler        A few bird heard from 250m upwards                   Medium
31        Blue-winged Minla        Many seen with one flock of 10 plus birds aprox 500m          Medium
32        Indochinese Yuhina        1 flock of 10 plus birds seen at aprox 300m            Low
33        Cinerous Tit        Common                                                       High
34        Japanese White-eye        Common                                              High
35        Fork-tailed Sunbird        A few seen and many heard                           Medium
36        Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker        1 heard at aprox 300m                     Low
37        Grey Treepie        Up to 3 birds seen in one flock at aprox 250m            Low
38        White-rumped Munia        Seen near entrance and a few up to 500m           Medium
39        Chinese Pond Heron        1 near entrance                                         Low
40        Crested Myna        A few near entrance of LFS                                       Medium

kmatthew 15/06/2015 15:58

Barn Swallow - nests near shopping complex at entrance gate.

Drongo Cuckoo - 2 seen with others heard.


Scarlet Minivet - Common with a few juveniles seen.


Chestnut Bulbul

Mountain Bulbul

Black Bulbul

Blue-winged Minla - Small flocks and pairs seen, a pair with nest building behaviors observed.

Chinese Barbet - Commonly heard and seen. This bird was brought in closer with playback, used for under 5 minutes, the bird later flew off with another Chinese Barbet.



Orange-bellied Leafbird - just one single male observed.

Grey Treepie

Great Barbet - Many heard but just 2 seen.

[[i] Last edited by kmatthew at 15/06/2015 16:04 [/i]]

K_Chan 16/06/2015 09:17

境外觀鳥 Offshore birding trip

查鳥會也久違了境外觀鳥團(萬多元去臺灣未免太貴),例如短程到廣東省博羅,諸如wcaptain的行程何如?應該不單止淨得遠程紫水雞吧 !

Thanks for the wonderful posting. In fact, BWS has long been pending birding trips to outside HK, apart from the Taiwan one that was a bit expensive. What about short trips like this one to Guangdong Province? At least we won't be expecting just Purple Swamphen from miles away.

wcaptain 16/06/2015 13:27

From another pt of view, we should glad that at least there were some purple swamphen at distant. Also, no guarantee in birding.

John Holmes 23/06/2015 08:22


Thanks, Matthew and Captain - there are some interesting birds at Lufoushan.  I wonder what we'd say about the status of the Chinese Barbet if one was found and photographed in HK like that !

wcaptain 23/06/2015 10:01

Agree. Feather damage in HK for some bird species is always considered as unusual.

Matthew noted this "short-tailed" Chinese Barbet on the camera screen after viewing this bird. It is difficult to note this feature at the field as the bird was a bit away and always either fly or hide.

kmatthew 23/06/2015 11:11

I think this does show that wild birds can have heavy feather damage as well and is not a feature unique to cage birds.

wcaptain 8/03/2016 12:23

We (a total of 3 birders) visited the site again on 5 and 6 March, from the southern to northern part via the upland (1200m asl). 68 bird spp were recorded. Interesting records are White tailed Robin, White-necklaced Partridge (both heard only), and Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush.

The WN partridge is a rare bird with restricted range in Guangdong. The closest location is NanKunShan.

The trail is well marked and should be ok to birders with good phy fitness

kmatthew 8/03/2016 12:49

Thanks Captain for organising the trip, it was most interesting to visit the much under birded northern slopes. Hike was tough going but with this many interesting species will no doubt visit again. Other interesting birds that Captain didn't mention were Collared Owlets (heard), Chinese Bamboo Partridge (heard) and Grey-sided Scimitar-babbler (formerly Spot-breasted Scimitar-babbler).

We asked a local food stall owner who work up the mountain whether she have seen "white wild chickens" before, and her respond was quite interesting too, she states that she sees them once every while when she get off work at around 4pm - 5pm on her way down, the white pheasant have a long tail, usually in a flock of 7-8. No doubt a very accurate account of Silver Pheasants.

Great Barbet

Chinese Barbet


Mountain Bulbul

Black Bulbul

Chestnut Bulbul

Indochinese Yuhina

Streak-breasted Scimitar-babbler

Black-throated Tit

Crested Goshawk

Yellow-cheeked Tit

Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush

Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler

Huet's Fulvetta

Tristram's Bunting

Red-flanked Bleutail

Slaty-backed Forktail

Chinese Flying Frog

Himalayan Striped Squirrel

John Holmes 9/03/2016 21:02

Thanks, Captain and Matthew - it's great to see our bird "neighbours" !
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查看完整版本: 羅浮山 Luofushan