查看完整版本: A plain prinia or a yellow bellied prinia or other species

xiang88 6/07/2015 19:05

A plain prinia or a yellow bellied prinia or other species

The following birds are taken at two places in Wetland park, are they the same species? Is it a plain prinia or a yellow bellied prinia or other species?

Place 1


Place 2



[[i] Last edited by xiang88 at 7/07/2015 15:44 [/i]]

John Holmes 6/07/2015 20:25

Both Plain Prinias

xiang88 6/07/2015 21:10

Thank you very much! Its bill seems to be black in some picture, is this due to mud or other reason?

ajohn 7/07/2015 10:02

Adults get a blacker bill during the breeding season. I think your second photo (with a very pink bill) is a juvenile, and the others are adults.

xiang88 7/07/2015 15:44

Thank you very much for your clear explanation
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查看完整版本: A plain prinia or a yellow bellied prinia or other species