查看完整版本: Birds in Japan

xiang88 2/09/2015 14:17

Birds in Japan

Could someone tell me what kinds of birds they are?
All photos are taken in August this year. The first 3 photos are taken in Tokyo and the last one is in Kusatsu(草津).
The birds in the first photo seem to be Japanese White-eye, but I am not sure and have no idea about the other. Thanks in advance!





John Holmes 2/09/2015 16:02

Last two are Brown-eared Bulbul.

Middle shot is a gull - it looks quite slim, so possibly Black-tailed Gull.

xiang88 2/09/2015 22:08

Thanks a lot!
I do not know that the birds in the last 2 photo are the same species.
Thank you very much!
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查看完整版本: Birds in Japan