查看完整版本: 蒲台需要你的幫助! Po Toi needs your help!

HKBWS Chuan 12/10/2015 11:07

蒲台需要你的幫助! Po Toi needs your help!

大家有沒有收到城市規劃委員會(城規會)的郵件/信件?蒲台群島分區計劃大綱草圖將於[b]10月30日(五) [/b]開會考慮,請大家抽空出席會議,向城規會委員們表達你們的意見。即使你未能出席,請授權會出席的朋友或團體替你發言!你們的支持是很重要的!請於本星期五[u]10月16日[/u]或之前回覆城規會。


Have you received the letter/email from the Town Planning Board? The meeting for the draft Po Toi Islands Outline Zoning Plan is tentatively scheduled on [b]30 October 2015 (Fri)[/b]. Please try your best to attend the meeting and raise your concerns to the Town Planning Board members. Even if you cannot make it, please do AUTHORISE your friend or an organization to make the presentation at the meeting. Your support is very important! Please reply to the Town Planning Board on or before this Friday [u]16 October 2015[/u].

The Society will send representatives to make a presentation at the meeting. If you would like to authorise the Society to attend the meeting, please directly contact us for arrangements. Thanks!


HKBWS Chuan 26/10/2015 09:44

城規會會議改期 Postpone of TPB Meeting


We received notice from the Town Planning Board (TPB) saying the meeting for the draft Po Toi Outline Zoning Plan will be postpone to [b]5 Nov (Thu) at 9am[/b]. The Society will send representatives to attend the hearing. If you also received letter/email from TPB, please do attend the meeting! Even if you cannot make it, please authorize ones/groups which will attend to speak on your behalf! Please remember to give your reply to the TPB [u]on or before this Thursday 29 Oct[/u]. Thank you very much for your support!

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查看完整版本: 蒲台需要你的幫助! Po Toi needs your help!