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ac130 1/01/2017 19:07

id help please

2017-Jan-01, Shing Mun Reservoir, outing in this morning



compared with a Black Kite:



Thank you and Happy New Year!

thebirdguy 1/01/2017 19:43

Wow! Looks like a stork or crane, maybe one of the Siberians that visited recently. Hard to tell, and both cranes and storks are rare in Hong Kong.

Happy new year!

subbuteo 1/01/2017 20:47

Looks like a black stork- nice!  The wings look all dark in the photos, oriental white stork would have white on the wing.


K_Chan 2/01/2017 10:02

黑鸛 !


pitarhk 2/01/2017 14:00

如果可以請填寫rare bird species form比鳥會作記錄,thanks!


ac130 2/01/2017 21:56

ok, 己經sent了。
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查看完整版本: id help please