查看完整版本: 塱原海報 Long Valley Poster

HKBWS Vicky 29/06/2007 12:13

塱原海報 Long Valley Poster

[size=18]我們正計劃印製一份介紹塱原環境及野生動物的海報,此海報主要以老師及學生為目標對象,並會派發到全港的中小學。海報的初步構思是以[b]繪畫方式[/b]畫出在夏天和冬天兩個不同季節下的塱原生境 (如菜田、荷花田等)和其中的生物 (包括雀鳥、昆蟲、魚、蝸牛等)。我們現正尋找合適的人選為此海報繪畫圖畫,有興趣之會員及會友,歡迎試畫並將作品以郵遞、電郵或親身交到香港觀鳥會辦公室,然後我們會作出甄選。有關海報之詳情或任何查詢,歡迎致電2377 4387 與楊莉琪小姐聯絡。


We are planning to publish a poster introducing the environment and wildlife in Long Valley. The target group of the poster is mainly teachers and students and the poster will be distributed to all primary and secondary schools. The initial idea of the poster is to illustrate the habitat (e.g. farmland, lotus ponds etc) and the wildlife (including birds, insects, fish, snails etc) in Long Valley in summer and winter [b]by drawing[/b]. We are looking for suitable candidate(s) to draw pictures for the posters. Interested parties are welcome to submit your sketch/pictures by mail, email or in person to the HKBWS office and we will make a selection. For details of the posters and enquiries, please contact Miss Vicky Yeung at 2377 4387.

Office Address: Rm. 1612, Beverley Commercial Centre, 87-105 Chatham Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.
Deadline for Submission: 31 July 2007[/size]
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