查看完整版本: Nonggang, Guangxi 廣西弄崗 10.2017

Paux 19/11/2017 15:27

Nonggang, Guangxi 廣西弄崗 10.2017

Nonggang Babbler 弄崗穗鶥
Grey-throated Babbler 黑頭穗鶥       

Paux 19/11/2017 15:31

White-tailed Robin 白尾藍地鴝
Puff-throated Bulbul 白喉冠鵯

Paux 19/11/2017 15:35

Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇
Orange-headed Thrush 橙頭地鶇

Paux 19/11/2017 15:38

White-winged Magpie 白翅藍鵲
(to be cont'd)

kmike 19/11/2017 21:23

Some rarely photographed birds, especially the Nonggang Babbler and the White-winged Magpie - congratulations!
Mike K

Paux 20/11/2017 17:00

Thanks Mike.

White-winged Magpie 白翅藍鵲
Alpine Thrush 光背地鶇

Paux 20/11/2017 17:06

Streaked Wren-Babbler 短尾鷦鶥
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler 紋胸巨鶥

Paux 20/11/2017 17:11

White-throated Fantail 白喉扇尾鶲
Black-naped Monarch 黑枕王鶲

Paux 20/11/2017 17:14

Treeshrew 樹鼩
Finally, a butterfly with a 'heart'.

kmike 20/11/2017 22:02

More good birds!

I think your Alpine Thrush is a female Siberian Thrush

Mike K

Paux 21/11/2017 22:09

Thanks for the correction.
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查看完整版本: Nonggang, Guangxi 廣西弄崗 10.2017