查看完整版本: Terns with colour flags 有腳旗的燕鷗

HKBWS Tung 2/11/2018 15:22

Terns with colour flags 有腳旗的燕鷗


Following the color flagging of Bridled Terns (Onychoprion anaethetus) in 2017 ([url]https://eaaflyway.net/bridled-terns-onychoprion-anaethetus-ringed-in-hong-kong/[/url]), the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) of the Hong Kong Government continued the flagging of terns in Hong Kong. The three species of breeding terns in Hong Kong, i.e. Bridled Tern, Black-naped Tern (Sterna sumatrana) and Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii), were flagged in July 2018. The flagged terns have white flag on right tibia and engraved yellow flag on right tarsus (see photo). A total of 58 terns were ringed (among these 43 were flagged) in 2018. It is aimed to find out more information on the migration route and wintering sites of these terns. Researchers and bird watchers are encouraged to report any sightings of these birds to the AFCD ([email]ivy_wy_so@afcd.gov.hk[/email]).

Remarks: The AFCD would also like to thank the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society for their technical support in the ringing activities.

HKBWS Tung 19/06/2020 10:42

Terns with leg-flags 有腳旗的燕鷗

Dear members and birdwatchers,

We will still collect leg-flag re-sightings (i.e. date, place, flags colour and numerals on flags) of breeding terns in this summer as the study of breeding terns is still continuing. This information can help us understand more about the breeding terns in Hong Kong of their age, survival, and home range. All leg-flag sighting records are welcome and can be posted here.

Thank you very much in advance.
Yat-tung Yu


今年夏天我們仍然繼續繁殖燕鷗的研究及收集所有燕鷗腳旗的資料(包括日期, 地點, 腳旗顏色, 旗上的編號), 這些資料會幫助我們更清楚燕鷗的年齡, 存活率及活動範圍. 我們很歡迎各位報告有腳旗的燕鷗的紀錄, 可以在下面貼上.

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