查看完整版本: ID Help on raptor

alexanderddmuir 25/08/2019 22:40

ID Help on raptor

Saw this raptor soaring on the morning of Aug 24th 2019 near the Tung Chung River along with a pair of kites. Kites were smaller than this bird by comparison. At first I thought it might be a crested serpent eagle, but the level wings and number of tail bands seems to suggest it's something else. Any thoughts?

HKBWS Tom 26/08/2019 14:49

Immature Crested Serpent Eagle
FYI: [url]http://orientalbirdimages.org/search.php?Bird_ID=838&Bird_Image_ID=45670[/url]

alexanderddmuir 27/08/2019 08:12

thank you!
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查看完整版本: ID Help on raptor