查看完整版本: 觀鳥屋內保持社交距離 Social distance inside birdwatching hides

WWF Mai Po 3/04/2020 16:45

觀鳥屋內保持社交距離 Social distance inside birdwatching hides

鑑於新冠肺炎疫情嚴峻,確診個案數字上升,本會希望觀鳥者在觀鳥屋內嚴格遵守相關的法律,與他人保持適當的社交距離,保持良好的個人衞生。在觀鳥屋內時,應佩戴外科口罩; 保持雙手清潔; 打噴嚏或咳嗽時應用紙巾掩蓋口鼻。不要隨地吐痰或亂拋垃圾,痰涎應用紙巾包好並帶至合適垃圾箱棄置。

In view of the continuing surge of confirmed cases and the spread of COVID-19, WWF-HK hopes that birdwatchers strictly follow the relevant laws when they are inside birdwatching hides. An appropriate social distance with other people and the good personal hygiene must be maintained, He/she should also wear a surgical mask keep hands clean, cover his/her nose and mouth with tissue paper when sneezing or coughing. Do not spit or litter. Use tissue paper to hold his/her spit and bring it to a proper rubbish bin to dispose.
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查看完整版本: 觀鳥屋內保持社交距離 Social distance inside birdwatching hides