cattrall 5/04/2020 12:03
Swinhoe's Egret?? Blue face diagnostic?
Hi all... egret seen yesterday (4 Apr)at WWF Island House in Tai Po. One of the 'Little Egrets' had a very distinctive blue face. Clearly seen by two people. But other than that it looked exactly like a Little Egret. Two elongated nape features (as opposed to 'tuft' of nape features with the Swinhoe's). Didn't really notice any size difference with other Little Egrets in the area. The potential Swinhoe's was perhaps a little more active than other Egrets - it was flying a lot, 'fishing' from the air, etc. So my question is - is a distinctive blue face enough to distinguish this bird from Little Egrets, or can some Little Egrets also have blue or bluish faces? Thnx
ajohn 6/04/2020 11:10
I think your bird was probably a Little Egret in breeding condition. The bare parts of many egrets and herons can change during the breeding season. On Little Egrets at the peak of the breeding season, the face can turn purple or blue, just for a short period during courtship (also, the feet often turn red at the same time). You mention that the bird had elongated nape feathers, which are only found on Little Egret. Swinhoe's would have a larger crest, and would usually have a yellow bill at this time of year.
Great Egret also has a bright blue/green face in breeding condition, but that would not fit your description of size or nape feathers.
cattrall 14/04/2020 09:50
Thanks John... was not aware of face and feet colour changes during courtship - very interesting. And yes the two elongated nape feathers were quite distinctive. Litte Egret - tick ;) Rgds.