CYF 17/11/2020 10:50
Bunting ID confirmation
#1 Rustic Bunting#2 Black-faced Bunting
Both at LV on 14th Nov
CYF 18/11/2020 09:17
Is my ID mentioned correct?
badesc 18/11/2020 09:34
[quote]Original posted by [i]CYF[/i] at 18/11/2020 09:17 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Is my ID mentioned correct? [/quote]
Yes, it is.
CYF 18/11/2020 15:25
Tks for the confirmation. Not able to get Jap. Reed but both of them. LOL
[quote]Original posted by [i]badesc[/i] at 18/11/2020 09:34 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Yes, it is. [/quote]