查看完整版本: 特別通告 (三) Special Announcement (3)

HKBWS WY 12/03/2021 15:09

特別通告 (三) Special Announcement (3)

[b]特別通告(四十一)[/b] 12/3/202[/u][/u][/b][/size][/align]
[size=2]1.        疫情稍為緩和,為保障員工及訪客安全,本會辦事處將有限度開放,即逢星期一至五下午2:30至5:30  (星期六、日及公眾假期關閉)。[/u] [/b]
[b]          為保障訪客及員工安全,請訪客留意以下事項:[/b]
-        所有訪客進入本會時必須佩戴口罩;
-        訪客進入本會時須即場量度體溫;
-        本會將提供搓手液供訪客進入本會時使用;
-        使用消毒液噴灑鞋底。
2.        所有公眾活動將會取消;
3.        隨後星期的安排會盡快公布;
4.        歡迎電郵本會查詢([email]info@hkbws.org.hk[/email]),我們會每日經常檢查電郵,確保盡快回覆。[/size]

Special Announcement (41)   12/3/2021[/b][/size][/align]
[size=2]1.        As the situation of COVID-19 turned mild, our office will open from Monday to Friday (2:30pm to 5:30pm) in the coming week. (Office is closed during Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays).[/b][/u]
[b]         To protect the safety of visitors and staff, please be reminded of the followings:[/b]
-        Visitors are required to wear their own masks when entering our office.
-        On-site temperature checks are mandatory for all visitors upon visit.
-        Hand sanitizer will be given to visitors upon visits.
-        Use alcohol sanitizer to spray the sole of your shoe.
2.        All activities for general public will be cancelled.
3.        Arrangement in the coming week will be announced as soon as possible.
4.       You are welcome to send us email at [email]info@hkbws.org.hk[/email]. We will check email frequently and reply you as soon as possible.[/size][/color]

HKBWS WY 24/03/2021 18:17

[b]特別通告(四十二)[/b] 24/3/202[/u][/u][/b][/size][/align]
[size=3]1.        [b]疫情稍為緩和,為保障員工及訪客安全,本會辦事處將有限度開放,即逢星期一至五下午2:30至5:30  (星期六、日及公眾假期關閉)。[/b][/u] [/b]
[b]          為保障訪客及員工安全,請訪客留意以下事項:[/b]
-        所有訪客進入本會時必須佩戴口罩;
-        訪客進入本會時須即場量度體溫;
-        本會將提供搓手液供訪客進入本會時使用;
-        使用消毒液噴灑鞋底。
2.        所有公眾活動將會取消;
3.        隨後星期的安排會盡快公布;
4.        歡迎電郵本會查詢([email]info@hkbws.org.hk[/email]),我們會每日經常檢查電郵,確保盡快回覆。[/size]

Special Announcement (42)   24/3/2021[/b][/size][/align]
[size=3]1.        [b]As the situation of COVID-19 turned mild, our office will open from Monday to Friday (2:30pm to 5:30pm) in the coming week. (Office is closed during Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays).[/b][/b][/u]
[b]         To protect the safety of visitors and staff, please be reminded of the followings:[/b]
-        Visitors are required to wear their own masks when entering our office.
-        On-site temperature checks are mandatory for all visitors upon visit.
-        Hand sanitizer will be given to visitors upon visits.
-        Use alcohol sanitizer to spray the sole of your shoe.
2.        All activities for general public will be cancelled.
3.        Arrangement in the coming week will be announced as soon as possible.
4.       You are welcome to send us email at [email]info@hkbws.org.hk[/email]. We will check email frequently and reply you as soon as possible.[/size][/color]

HKBWS WY 26/03/2021 17:26

[b]特別通告(四十三)[/b] 26/3/202[/u][/u][/b][/size][/align]
[size=5][color=Red]1.        [b]疫情雖漸趨緩和,但為保障員工及訪客安全,本會辦事處將有限度開放,即逢星期一至五下午2:30至5:30  (星期六、日及公眾假期關閉)。[/b][/u] [/b] [/color]
2.[b]        為保障訪客及員工安全,請訪客留意以下事項:[/b]
-        所有訪客進入本會時必須佩戴口罩;
-        訪客進入本會時須即場量度體溫;
-        本會將提供搓手液供訪客進入本會時使用;
-        使用消毒液噴灑鞋底。
3.        所有公眾活動將會取消;
4.        如安排有改變將會盡快公布;
Special Announcement (43)   26/3/2021[/b][/size][/align]
[size=4]1.        [color=Red][b]As the situation of COVID-19 turned mild, our office will open from Monday to Friday (2:30pm to 5:30pm) in the coming future. (Office is closed during Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays).[/b][/b][/u] [/color]
2.[b]         To protect the safety of visitors and staff, please be reminded of the followings:[/b]
-        Visitors are required to wear their own masks when entering our office.
-        On-site temperature checks are mandatory for all visitors upon visit.
-        Hand sanitizer will be given to visitors upon visits.
-        Use alcohol sanitizer to spray the sole of your shoe.
3.        All activities for general public are still being suspended.
4.        Change of arrangement will be announced whenever necessary.
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查看完整版本: 特別通告 (三) Special Announcement (3)