查看完整版本: 紅巧織鳥.

M.L.YIP 21/10/2022 15:31


19.10.2022 於元朗大生圍拍攝.

K_Chan 22/10/2022 18:02

Thanks ML for the post. My first time to have noted such iconic bird in HK.

Searched on web, per below. Would this suggest him a caged bird reclaiming its freedom?
『 红巧织雀(英文名:Southern Red Bishop,学名:[i]Euplectes orix[/i]),是雀形目织雀科巧织雀属的鸟类。又名红寡妇雀、南方红巧织雀,属织布鸟科巧织雀属中的一种细小鸟类。它们分布在赤道以南非洲的湿地及草原,而在赤道以北的是橙巧织雀(北方红巧织雀)...』 ([b]http://dongniao.net[/b])

M.L.YIP 22/10/2022 21:23

Thank you the information from K Chan. I also think the bird may be a caged bird and I believe it apparently adapting well in the area despite some disturbance from the photographers.

K_Chan 23/10/2022 20:18

A nice shot ML. Regardless of its origin, really love to have a glimpse of its earthy plumage in TSW!

M.L.YIP 23/10/2022 20:28

Thank you for your appreciation.

Wellington 3/11/2022 15:07

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