查看完整版本: Accipiter for ID

handrew 25/12/2007 17:26

Accipiter for ID

This bird shot past our house at 5.10pm this afternoon (Clearwater Bay). I had just strolled out to count the kites which had risen to 38 when this did one circuit, during which I went to grab the camera and when I came out again it was already flying off. This was the better of 2 grab shots, heavily blown up from the original. Is it "just" a Crested goshawk? Comments appreciated.

Thanks very much


gary 26/12/2007 11:44

Yes, I think it's a Crested Goshawk.


handrew 26/12/2007 13:57

Thank you Gary.
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查看完整版本: Accipiter for ID